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Your Body Can Heal

#body #depression #happiness #healing #inflammation #mindset #natural healing #summit

Episode 84: Gutsy Health Podcast 


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Show Summary: “There are so many people out there who want to heal but don't know how."


Different illnesses are stressful and exhausting. What's more exhausting is the challenge of finding the right doctor who will walk you through the healing process patiently. That's a usual struggle for patients, and even Juanique, Gina, and Karalynne had experienced that.


Karalynne had depression a couple of years ago. Before she found the right doctor for her, who practices natural healing, she went through different doctors who couldn't specifically tell her how to heal. Gina, who had gone through a health decline, felt that she wasn't healing the root cause of her inflammation after taking different supplements for each symptom. Juanique, who had graves disease, found her way out of it on her own.


It's indeed physical, mental, and emotional pain for whoever is going through it. That's why the three of them created a summit for you to understand better how you can help your body heal using the tools they've been using in their practice. At the end of the episode, you'll find out how to join the program with a $50 discount on your early purchase.


Exceptional Highlight:


  • You are entitled to be the expert in your own body.
  • Smart people are out there, and they are helping other people heal themselves.
  • Our goal for you is to take this information and apply it to your life. So when you talk to your doctors, you know exactly what you're talking about and what you are aiming for without feeling lost and in the dark.



Show Highlights: 


What motivated Karalynne to make her own clean ingredients?


Karalynne 1:11


  • I battled severe depression about fifteen or sixteen years ago. I knew that something had happened in my body. I hadn't always dealt with depression. I thought my body could heal this. I knew it could, but I just didn't know how.


Healing is possible 


Juanique 8:17


  • I grew up in a household where my mom taught me about health and that my body can heal. When doctors started telling me, "No, you can't heal," I was like, "That's ridiculous." I know I can, and then I just figured it out by myself. I was given tools and programs from a young age. Then when my husband got cancer, and doctors said, "He doesn't have much time," I told them, "You're wrong."


What kind of summit have Juanique, Gina and Karalynne created for you?


Karalynne 14:40


  • It's going to be in the middle of June on a Saturday. It's going to be a conference or a summit that when you walk away, you will feel empowered, that you can do something about your own health, that you can make choices to begin a healing journey and to make your life just full of health and so that you can live your best life possible.


How to get a $50 discount for the summit?


Juanique 19:00


  • Ticket sales are going to be launched on May 3. If you sign up early in the first two weeks, you will get a $50 discount off of in-person tickets, and there will be a discount for the virtual tickets as well.


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Transcript (DOWNLOAD)


This is the Gutsy Health Podcast with Jaunique and Tristin Roney.


Juanique Roney

Hi, everyone, this is Jaunique Roney.


Gina Worful

Hi everyody this is Gina Worful.


Karalynne Call

This is Karalynne from just ingredients.


Juanique Roney

And we're giving you guys an extra bonus podcast this week because the three of us, we've put our heads together over the past few months and we want to bring something really, really special to you guys this year, tools to help you empower you in your healing journey. But before we go into that, the three of us kind of want to talk about problems that we see in our health care system and how we have seen it over the years fail you fail us.  Karalynne can you tell people a little bit about what got you into your seat? How it failed you and why you were so motivated to help everyone on from the podcast to Instagram to everything that you're doing, like making your own clean ingredients? Can you remind listeners like how you got here?


Karalynne Call

Yes. So I battled severe depression about 15, 16 years ago, and I knew that something had happened in my body. I hadn't always dealt with depression, and so this was something new. I mean, it was a couple of years of battling it. But I thought my body can heal this. I know it can. I just don't know how. I knew that the body could heal when you broke the bone, if I had the right tools of a cast or if you scraped your finger, that scrape always healed itself. So I knew I could do it, but I needed to know how. So I went to doctor after doctor for two years and none of the doctors could help me. They all would just tell me, well, we don't really know for sure, and granted this was 15, 16 years ago. Now, hopefully your doctors don't say this, but there are some that may and they would say the only thing we can do is put you on an antidepressant. And I would say, well, will that heal me? And they would say, no, it won't heal you, but it will help you. And I was like, OK, well, I'll take it then, because I need help, but what will heal me? And so I get so frustrated just going to doctor after doctor and no one could tell me how to heal. And so then finally, I did find a doctor who practice more of a natural type medicine, and she was like, yeah, I can help you heal, and these are the steps that you need to do. And I went on a long 18 month, almost two year journey with her healing. That just led me to want to help others, because I know there's so many people out there that want to heal but don't know that they can heal, and the resources aren't really easy to find to know how to heal. And so just a few years ago, I started my Instagram to try to help people know that there is healing out there and that it's possible.


Juanique Roney

Well, and what you do is you show people how easy these changes can be, right? It's just little bits here and there. Like, factor this out for this and switch this out for this. I love how you make it so simple. Did it feel simple to you in the beginning? Or did you feel like you had so much to unpack? And as you were working with this doctor for two years, was it really overwhelming and you had to figure out how to make it more simple?


Karalynne Call

So it was very overwhelming at first, and I'm the type of personality that if it's too overwhelming, I'm just going to throw my hands up in the air and say I can't do it. That's why on my site, I tried to show really easy, doable, simple steps, because I said to my doctor, just give me like one thing at a time to work on. I can't work on ten things at a time.


Juanique Roney



Karalynne Call

And so you did go just really basics with me, you know, first introducing some supplements and then introducing some food changes. And it wasn't a huge list of everything at once. And so that's why I try to tell people a lot of our daily choices affect our health, and some of those daily choices can be so simple just from adding in more veggies or switching to a better body lotion or different beauty products that don't have the endocrine disruptors in them. I try to teach people it's baby steps. It's not you're going to change everything overnight to heal. Healing is a long process, but it's a really rewarding process as well.


Juanique Roney

Exactly, exactly. Gina, how have you seen? Because it just seems like people are Karalynne mentioned for two years, she went from doctor to doctor to doctor. She couldn't find any help anywhere. How have you seen that in your circle of practice?


Gina Worful

I think that my own experience also really changed the way that I do think my practice because probably three years ago, I really started to notice my health declining and it was really confusing, I didn't really know what was happening to my body. I felt like I had a lot of inflammation and I was just had so much like anxiety and my neck pains and rashes and terrible cravings and just insomnia and all these things that my health started really changing, and I was so confused. My hormones were all over the place and I knew that things are not going down a good path and I just did not understand my body. And so I basically started like chasing all these different symptoms. And so I started taking different supplements for each symptom. I was trying to take things that might that are known to balance out hormones, and I was taking these different things for skin health and all these different combinations of stuff, chasing symptoms. And as soon as I might make a little bit of a difference, it seemed like I was just constantly making a little progress and then going right back. And so I knew I was just like doing Band-Aid type work and just feeling so overwhelmed. You know, I'm sure there are so many people who resonate with that, whether they have all these symptoms and they feel like they're managing it with handfuls of supplements and not really making any progress. And so what's interesting is when I saw that roadmap that you created on the order of healing, I was like, oh, my gosh, I resonate with that so much, because that is the process of what actually move the needle for me. Not even knowing about your roadmap, it was so much aligned with what I did. So when I started healing my body, the most important piece was actually changing my mindset around healing, and I had never considered that before. I was before I had this mindset around like my body is waging a war against me and like it was just really frustrating fight. And I had so many clients who are in the same place of, like, my body hates me. I'm so frustrated and it just doesn't create a conducive environment for your body to heal. You're not sending the message that it's safe and that you're nurturing it for healing, and so that was like a key piece that actually started everything. And then I started looking at my mitochondria and am I taking care of those to be able to actually make sure that my body is getting powered and fueled, like the way that it should going to go through and look at things like my adrenals and my hormones. And and it just made things so much easier when I focused on what is the most important thing right now that will change everything else instead of being confused and not understanding my body and chasing all these symptoms. A really similar process of how I like to try to help people, because I see so many people who are maybe seeing their doctor and they're just giving them a medication to cover up the symptom. That's what my doctors tried to do when I really needed help. And I had this rash all over my body, and instead of looking at the source of inflammation, they were like, we're not going to do further testing, we're just going to give you a cortisone cream to suppress it. Like the one thing that my body was, like, speaking to me. So out of that frustration, it's like, let's look deeper at what is the probability no one thing or the first things that could maybe influence everything else and make healing so much easier.


Juanique Roney

What I'm hearing from both of you guys is it's really hard for people to get answers. It's confusing. It's overwhelming. And then when they start to find answers, it's still confusing and it's still overwhelming because there's just all this information dumping and people can't really figure out who's right and who's wrong, and information is conflicting and we don't even understand that information sometimes. It's beautiful that I have you two ladies who have had health issues and have figured it out and made it simple and you're sharing that with others. My story is fairly similar where I had Grave's disease, but the difference and I don't ant to say the difference between me and you guys is I grew up in a household where my mom actually taught me about health and she actually taught me that my body can heal. So when doctors started telling me, no, you can't heal, I was like, that's ridiculous. I know I can and then I just figured it out by myself because I was given tools from young, I was given programs from young. And then when my husband got cancer and doctors are like, he doesn't have much time, I was like, you're actually wrong. There's so much we can do. Information is out there. Smart people are out there and they are helping people help themselves heal. And isn't it so great that one that we know that there's answers out there, but it's confusing. Everyone's confused. People are overwhelmed. The three of us, what we would like to tell you guys today is we've all kind of come up with the plan. We've all been on our own platforms helping people in our own ways. But we kind of want to combine our superpowers together and we want to help fix this problem, this problem of overwhelm and confusion. Because all three of us, I think we can say we love educating, we love helping people heal themselves. But there needs to be more. We do the podcasts. We do our Instagram to selling our own products, to doing coaching, et cetera. We have some tools, but there's a missing piece, and we want to talk to you guys about that missing piece, Karalynne and I a year ago before Covid, do you remember that Karalynne?


Karalynne Call

Yeah. I came to you and I'm like, we have got to do a conference or something together.


Juanique Roney

And what was so beautiful back then was we were like, yes, but who should our third person be? We were like, there should be a third person. Who should it be? And none of us could like we couldn't come up with a person, right?


Karalynne Call



Juanique Roney

The thing is like we didn't even know the third person until like the end of that year. I feel like everything was in flow. Everything was working. We both we were like, there's a third person, there's a conference, we don't know the timeline because of Covid and the world ended. What are we going to do? But we waited and I met Gina at the end of 2020 and I went back to Karalynne, I think, in January, and  I'm like Catalyn, I think it's time. Let's do this.


Gina Worful

And then, you know what's so funny?


Juanique Roney

This is hilarious. Karalynne and I were at Redmond having lunch and I said, OK, this third person, her name is Gina Worful. She's a dietitian. Do you remember what you said to me?


Karalynne Call

I probably said, oh, no.


Gina Worful

That's OK because when I met Tristin, he was ...


Juanique Roney

Yes. Why don't you tell people? Because here's the thing. Karalynne and I and a lot of people think we're quacks like we're making up information because we're not the doctors, we're not the dieticians. We're not the people with the big fancy Sciency degrees, right? And so, Karalynne, what's been your experience with dietitians? Do you want to share that with people or do we want to move on?


Karalynne Call

OK, I love dieticians and what they do. Don't get me wrong.


Juanique Roney

Karalynne loves everyone.


Karalynne Call

But some dietitians don't like to agree with me because they don't think ingredients really play a role. It's more like the fat, the proteins, the big growth things that..


Juanique Roney

Macro's versus micros.


Karalynne Call

The tiny little ingredients should play or play a role. So I should just zip my mouth and be quiet. When you said she is a dietitian, I just had to figure out if she was one like that or a dietitian that actually appreciated the ingredients because there are a lot of dietitians who do love what I do and do agree with the ingredient aspects. That was just my first response.


Gina Worful

Yeah, I think that the whole idea around credentials is actually a really big problem because I have met some really incredible, phenomenal dietitians who are so smart, but then there are so many who are like, well, you're not a dietician, you can't give this advice, you're not qualified. And I've also seen some dietitians who get the basic level of like your macros and very basic level education, and they don't continue to learn and read the research of what's out there and consider things beyond basic training and they're definitely not competent. It's I've met some brilliant people who do look at research. They do actually pursue educating themselves, even if it's not at a traditional university and dietetics like the both of you and who are so incredibly qualified, and then you have them who are not dietitians who are also not qualified. And I think that is just so much more than just saying if you're a dietitian, you're qualified and if you're not, you're not. There's so much misunderstanding around that.


Juanique Roney

There really is and, you know, and I hope like one day, because I think everyone can get educated around research. You do not have to go to school to be a researcher. And unfortunately, a lot of our platforms, women platforms, mom platforms, like people in those circles don't feel like they can't have an opinion, because they're not. And I put in here air quotes educated, and that's such a lie. You are entitled to be the expert in your own body. You don't need to have fancy letters under your name. In fact, that's like you should have been taught this in school without letters, because this is information that everyone should be empowered on and that information around their bodies and that's information around their healing. Everyone's entitled to healing and everyone's entitled to knowing the steps on how to heal. But there's nothing like that out there, which is why the three of us have put our heads together this year and we want to do a summit. We're so excited, you guys, what happened on April 10th? We don't have to wear masks here, right? Is that correct?


Gina Worful



Karalynne Call

So let's get together like we're so excited to put together a summit for all of you guys. Karalynne, do you want to tell listeners a little bit about the summit? And each one of us can talk about what we're going to be talking about at this summit, because we want to give you a healing roadmap and we want to teach you in one day how to heal yourself, the tools to heal yourself, the ingredients to heal yourself, the supplements to heal yourself. We want to teach you how to be an expert. Karalynne, do you want to tell people a little bit about the summit?


Karalynne Call

Yeah. So it's going to be middle of June on a Saturday and it's going to be a conference or a summit that when you walk away, you will feel empowered that you can do something about your own help, that you can make choices to begin a healing journey and to make your life just full of health and so that you can live your best life possible. But what I love about the three of us doing it together is that we're all bringing different aspects to this summit. So, like Gina is going to talk a lot about the mindset and the energy around choosing to be healthy and getting on that path and things like that, where I know you're going to talk a lot of the science part of it, Juanique is going to take a lot of the science part of it. And then I'm going to do a lot of how you actually implement that in your home and how that works with a spouse. If you've got more than just yourself in your home, how to implement some of these strategies. It is going to be an amazing summit that seriously, you'll walk away just feeling so empowered.


Juanique Roney

Yes. And you guys, we want you to be able to take all these pieces that we've been talking about over for years and years and years, and we want to put it in an order for you, and we want to make it attainable that you can soak this all in and walk away from this conference feeling so knowledgeable about your body, so knowledgeable about your healing, and so knowledgeable about the tools that you can use to heal yourself from your foods to your stress to supplements. It's going to be so beautiful. And the date for that, you guys, is going to be June 19th and it's going to be like a half day summit. It's going to be here in Draper, if you want to.


Gina Worful

And virtual.


Juanique Roney

And virtual, yes, which is so cool because we wish we could meet all of you, but there's so many people around the country that won't be able to come in so you can buy an in-person ticket. Tickets are limited, but you can buy an in-person ticket or watch it online and you can watch it from anywhere around the world across the USA without having to come into Draper, Utah. So you guys that's going to be June 19th.


Gina Worful

What's the coolest thing too is like we were so excited of like we have so many great strategies to really help people feel their body. And when you're telling me about this road map, you made it so easy for people to know, like what is the easiest way to go through healing my body as Jaunique how do we take this and get this to people and let them experience it and get confident in their bodies? And how do we do that so that they can experience me and you and Karalynne knowledge, but in the most affordable way possible?


Juanique Roney



Gina Worful

And so that was so cool to be able to bring together the most valuable things that we each and share it with people and the most valuable, affordable way possible so that they walk away feeling really confident they know what to do and they know their bodies better.


Juanique Roney

What I wanted to add to that is that we want you to be able to take this information and apply it to your life. So when you are talking with your doctors, you know exactly what you're talking about. You know exactly what you are aiming for without feeling lost in the dark and like blindfolded and just shooting anywhere. We want you to have direction. We want you to have purpose and an agency in your healing journey. So let's say you come to our summit and you learn all of these incredible things and you feel so much more empowered about how to heal your body and the roadmap to healing your body, and then you go and talk to a doctor and they see something that contradicts what you've just learned. Well, now you have knowledge and tools and you can feel empowered to maybe rebuttal your doctor and be like, actually, I would like to start here first. Can we look at these areas first? So our goal is to help you feel so educated about your body and not completely lost and overwhelmed. You will have direction, you will have purpose. You will have a roadmap to your healing. And Karalynne what did you want to say about that?


Karalynne Call

I was just agreeing with Gina that I love that we are going to give you guys a roadmap at this conference. It's not just going to be a bunch of like all this jumbled info. It is really laid out, organized with, like I said, plan with the science behind it, with implementations of how to do it at home. So it is a really nice, organized summit that you're going to be able to attend and learn from.


Juanique Roney

And if you guys want a little bit more details, you can go to our website. It's all the information will be in the show notes ticket sales are going to be launched May 3rd. So make sure that if you sign up early in the first two weeks, you will get a fifty dollar discount off of in-person tickets and there will be a discount for the virtual tickets as well. So make sure you are getting that discount you're signing up in the first two weeks. But another thing that I wanted to say about that is you want more information about the kind of data that we will be sharing. Go back to Karalynne very first podcast that she released where her and I kind of talk about the order of healing. The three of us, Gina, myself and Karalynne, we're going to deep dive into that sort of healing. We're going to give you so many incredible tools so that you know exactly where you need to focus on that order of healing, where you need to go back to literally an entire day with the three of us teaching you that order of healing and not only how to navigate it, but how to implement it in the kitchen. And I love Karalynne that those are the tools you're going to give people. You're going to say, OK, for mitochondria, you need to eat these foods. You can cook them this way. For gut healing, you need a drink bone broth, and you need to eat a lot of these foods and this is how you cook them and this is how you prep them and this is these are the ways you can put them in your meals. Very, very practical everyday skills are going to be given to you, taught to you so that you can use that for your health and your children's health and your loved ones health.  You guys, we have planned this to benefit every aspect of your life in ways that are achievable and simple and what should be done on a daily basis, because if it's not simple, then it's not going to be done. So we want these tools that you're going to learn to be really simple and applicable for your daily use. We're so excited to learn with you guys and teach you at June 19th. So sign up for your ticket. Look in the show notes, it's called the Nurse Youth Summit you guys, we hope to see you there and we love you and we'll see you later.


Gina Worful



Juanique Roney

Bye, everyone.


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