Boosting and Sustaining Your Health | The Best Foundational Supplement Protocol

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Episode 43: Gutsy Health Podcast 

Listen to "Boosting and Sustaining Your Health | The Best Foundational Supplement Protocol" on Spreaker.

This episode is from our Instagram Live we did on supplements. Depending on the vitamins you are taking, where the supplements are coming from, and what your medical history is, you most likely have some specific needs in regards to supplements. We talk about synthetic supplements, some specific supplements that are often overlooked, and some that many of us really need. We also talk about minerals and how to get what our body needs.

Why Not Synthetic Vitamins? 3:45
Vitamin C 9:02
MultiVitamins 13:29
What Supplements We Like 22:19
Being Careful with Supplements 29:52

“If I could only recommend two supplements to a person and I didn’t know anything about their health history then I would say organ complex and cod liver oil.” 50:36


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